Family planning is an often overlook but critical component of reproductive health programs worldwide. It encompasses the conscious decision-making process regarding when to start a family, how many children to have, and the spacing between them. Children, naturally have an innate need to be close to their parents or a consistent caregiver. This connection is usually achieved when a child is loved, cared for and protected by one or more adults in a family unit. It is the most basic ingredient for raising a happy, healthy and confident child. (Zaman, 2019) 

Family planning is important because children are such an integral part of our society and develop best under the infrastructural umbrella of a family unit. The number of children is often one of the first conversations had by couples during their courtship phase, determining the compatibility of two separate individuals who aim to merge into a union for the purpose of creating and sustaining a family with offspring. 


Ensuring Reproductive Autonomy and Health 

For young couples, family planning can serve as a catalyst for asserting reproductive autonomy and safeguarding health outcomes. By providing access to a range of contraceptive methods and reproductive health services, individuals can exercise precise control over their fertility and mitigate risks associated with unintended pregnancies. Optimal birth spacing facilitated through family planning interventions contributes to maternal and child health, reducing the incidence of adverse outcomes such as maternal mortality, low birth weight, and infant mortality. According to a recent study, men play a vital role in the uptake and continued use of contraceptive products and can influence the decision for when to discontinue contraceptive usage. As such advocacy targeting men is central in promoting adherence and use of birth control. (Yolandie Kriel, 2009) By promoting antenatal care and postnatal counselling, family planning initiatives enhance the overall reproductive health status of young couples, laying a foundation for healthy pregnancies and childbearing experiences. 


Mitigating Socio-economic Challenges 

Through deliberate family planning decisions, couples can strategically manage their resources and investments, thereby improving their economic prospects and household stability.  

By delaying childbearing and engaging in child spacing, young couples can pursue educational and career opportunities, enhancing their human capital and economic productivity and provide their offspring with better prospects. In addition to this, smaller family sizes resulting from effective family planning contributes to poverty reduction and sustainable development by alleviating pressure on limited resources and public services. For new families, family planning is still a potent tool for empowering married couples economically and fostering socio-economic progress at both individual and societal levels. 


Fostering Stronger Relationships 

Effective communication and shared decision-making are essential components of successful relationships, especially when it comes to family planning. For young couples- embarking on the journey to start a family, discussing, and planning their reproductive goals can strengthen their bond and deepen their understanding of each other’s desires and aspirations. Mutual respect for each other’s perspectives fosters a supportive environment where both partners feel heard and valued. Additionally, engaging in family planning discussions encourages couples to confront potential challenges and develop strategies to overcome them together, thus laying the foundation for a resilient and enduring relationship. Additionally, a manageable family size ensures that both parents are able to give adequate time and attention for each child and each other. This smaller family units create opportunities for deeper connections and more thoughtful conversations between family members, therefore catering for the individual needs of children to be met accordingly and timely. (WEI, 2021) 


Shaping Demographic Trajectories 

Family planning interventions play a pivotal role in shaping demographic dynamics, particularly among young couples. By influencing fertility rates and population growth, family planning initiatives exert far-reaching effects on demographic trends, including age structure, dependency ratios, and population momentum. For young couples, access to family planning services enables them to make deliberate choices regarding family size and composition, this may influence future population projections and demographic transitions. In addition to this, by aligning fertility preferences with societal and environmental considerations, family planning contributes to sustainable population policies and resource management strategies, ensuring a harmonious balance between human needs and ecological constraints. 


Family planning stands as a cornerstone of reproductive health, offering a pathway to individual fulfillment, stronger relationships, and societal advancement. Recognizing the significance of family planning and ensuring universal access to comprehensive reproductive health services are essential steps towards building a healthier, more prosperous future for generations to come. By addressing aspirations of couples who aim to start a family, family planning interventions contribute to a range of positive outcomes, including enhanced health outcomes, poverty reduction, and deeper bonds between husband and wife. Embracing a holistic approach that integrates reproductive health services with broader socio-economic and demographic objectives is essential for maximizing the impact of family planning interventions and fostering a brighter future for young couples and subsequent generations. 



The Epharm4FP project led by the Society for Family Health is focused on optimizing family planning service provision through e-pharmacy systems. To learn more about our project click below. 


To speak with a licensed health care representative, click below.


To shop for contraceptive options online click below.





Yolandie Kriel, C. M. (2009, June 25). Male partner influence on family planning and contraceptive use: perspectives from community members and healthcare providers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Reproductive Health. 

Zaman, M. (2019, November). Stories. Retrieved from UNICEF Kenya:,Children%20have%20an%20innate%20need%20to%20be%20close%20to%20their,happy%2C%20healthy%20and%20confident%20child.